Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's one month now!

I can't believe that my wedding is one month now. Wow...looking back at this one month I have suddenly discovered a lot of God's faithfulness and known pretty much about my husby.

It's really challenging having to work and now look after my husband....what with cooking, shopping, taking care of the house and all....

Nija bride sure had plenty of work to do, of course, Lagos traffic is not helping the matter at all...Just yesterday I had a new discovery. Will share this tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ok guys, let’s do a little rethink! Do you remember the good old days, when we had no worry in the world? When all our needs were “automatically” met by those super heroes called “Dad”. Remember how, occasionally we came home crying because we wanted what a friend had, and then, like the speed of lightning, we had them, sometimes better versions of what the friend has.

And then, we grew up and even though things weren’t the same again, we still had our fair share of indulgence. Looking back, I wonder why I had to let the years go by. Why didn’t I just hold on to it like a baby girl holds her mom? I guess that’s the way of the world, things are meant to come and go.

Growing up and attending the varsities, all we wanted was just to hurry through school, earn good grades and ‘land” those big jobs that exist in our own imaginations. We dreamt of all those fat and sumptuous salaries, forever calculating all the good things of life that will come with such cash. Of course, we faced our studies squarely, we burnt the midnight candles and forsook all those numerous pleasures on campus in the hope of living happily ever after.

I still remember vividly the number of shows I missed, all those departmental concerts I forfeited for countless nights of midnight tutorials. At times, life gets so boring, one almost gave in to the campus night life but a quick reminder of the vision ahead serves to throw one back into full “jacking”. So, campus life went by with a flurry of academic activities.

Years after, our dreams are far from being fulfilled; surprisingly, many of those dreams have turned into nightmares, only to scare and haunt. Agreed, we had good grades but that doesn’t seem to be the catch word in the labour market. The rules of the game have changed from what we believed in our foolish fantasy. Those good jobs with fat paying salaries are no longer automatic for the brains. You really need to have a “very long leg” or at least know someone that knows someone who also happens to know someone that is extremely influential.

So, that’s it, everything: the studying, sacrifice, certificates …..all have to wait for that big break which may never come in ones lifetime. As it follows, I really do not know anybody, hence, I’m stuck here, in front of these bright eyed, little angels with a white board marker in hand. And guess what? I’m also teaching them to read well in order to become someone in life.

Or how am I supposed to explain to these kids that success is not a function of good grades in school but largely a function of who you know. I can’t possibly explain to them that you can fail woefully in your exams and still rule this nation if you cover your back very well. Hmmh! The entire system is disgusting and discouraging.

Well, my certificates are in the box under my wooden bed, it hasn’t been invited for any interview in the past years and probably might not, but I’m no longer complaining, at least “I dey chop” This is the reality of life.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What do I do next?

I am in search of a big business idea. Can anyone help?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Whatz up!

Hi guys, howz life treating you? This is a great oppprtunity for us all to let out some steam and share the real life.

I'm more than the girl next door, I'm unique and very friendly with a good sense of humour.

Lets do some gisting and see how it flows.

